Thursday, August 22, 2019

From Discourse to Power

Foucoult views discourse as the production of knowledge through language. He argues that nothing would make sense or mean anything if what is being said or done does not belong to that discourse of that particular time and place. It is a representation of knowledge, everything being said and done regarding a topic. So, anyone who manipulates the discourse can rule how we behave and view the world, deciding what is socially acceptable and what’s not. When the one in power has the knowledge of the truth it can be changed and have everyone believing it is true, eventually making it become true.

Foucoult believed power, rather than being a straight line, was a flowing chan. There is not a single “ruler” and the ones he rules over but we have all been and are opressors and oppressed. Despite us having a certain role, what produces the knowledge according to Foucault was the discourse, not the subject executing the action or social practice and was also not necessary for there to be one to operate.

What is the relationship of discourse to power?
What new conception of power does Foucault give us?
Why does Foucault’s work impact the traditional conception of the subject? 

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