Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cooking Lesson

1. Women know how to cook
"How long will it take to be done? Well, that shouldn't worry me too much because it has to be put on the grill at the last minute. It takes very little time, according to the cookbook. How long is little? Fifteen minutes? Ten? Five? Naturally the text doesn't specify. It presupposes an intuition which, according to my sex, I'm supposed to possess but I don't, a sense I was born without that would allow me to gauge the precise minute the meat is done." Pag. 4

2. Women satisfy men sexually
 But I, self-sacrificing little Mexican wife, born like a dove to the nest, smiled like Cuauhtemoc under torture on the rack when he said, "My bed is not made of roses," and fell silent. Face up, I bore not only my own weight but also his on top of me. The classic position for making love. And I moaned, from the tearing and the pleasure. The classic moan. Myths, myths. Pag. 3

3. Women do not talk other than to say yes 
"Si asumo la otra actitud, si soy el caso típico, la femineidad que solicita indulgencia para sus errores, la balanza se inclinara a favor de mi antagonista y yo participaré en la competencia con un hándicap que, aparentemente, me destina a la derrota y que, en el fondo, me garantiza el triunfo por la sinuosa vía que recorrieron mis antepasadas, las humildes, las que no abrían los labios sino para asentir, y lograron la obediencia ajena hasta al más irracional de sus caprichos. La receta, pues, es vieja y su eficacia está comprobada. Si todavía lo dudo me basta preguntar a la más próxima de mis vecinas. Ella confirmará mi certidumbre." Pag. 6

4. Women are incomplete without men
“So then, I accept, as we head toward the bar (my peeling shoulder feels like it's on fire) that it's true that in my contact or collision with him I've undergone a profound metamorphosis. I didn't know and now I know; I didn't fed and now I do feel; I wasn't and now I am. “ Pag. 4

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